want to make the robot that, moves freely,
    but not dangerous to people and not interferes in their lives.

    The robot could monitor targets in anytime and anywhere,
    moreover, the robot always ready to run for help.

    We want it very solid, cost-effective and easy to install.

    Each members of BETOKOREA have above ideas
    And make BETOBOT with the passion.

    We, BETOKOREA, strongly believe that
    BETOBOT can contribute to bring better safety
    & more convenience to people and the world.


Visit Us

Headquarter Address : #605, Daehak-ro 56, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 16229
AI Robot Center Address : #201, 2, Wanggabong-ro 24beon-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea 34154

Phone : + 82 - 31 - 214 - 0814 Fax : + 82 - 303 - 3442 - 0814 Email : info@betokorea.com